

Children's Bureau Letter on Kinship Navigators and Transition Grants - 4/1/20

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This letter outlines changes to two formula grant opportunities: extending the application deadline for kinship navigator program funding and eliminating the application requirement for Family First Prevention Services Act Transition Grants. These changes are intended to ease administrative burdens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children’s Bureau Letter Regarding Existing Title IV-E Flexibility – 4/27/20

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Letter which describes existing flexibilities in the title IV-E program that may help agencies better serve children, youth, and families during the COVID-19 pandemic including enhanced foster care maintenance payment (FCMP) rates; modifying foster family home licensing standards; temporary absences from title IV-E foster care placements;  re-entry into foster care after age 18; hazard pay for child welfare agency caseworkers; option to provide Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood Program (Chafee Program) services until age 23.

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