

The Family Justice Initiative

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A partnership between Casey Family Programs, the ABA Center on Children and the Law, the Children’s Law Center of CA and the WA Office of Public Defense, has produced a new resource page for the legal field during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource page offers concrete practice tips for how to deliver high-quality legal representation during the ongoing public health crisis.

The Hidden Foster Care System: A Parallel System in Legal Limbo During A Deadly Pandemic

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Law review article by Megan Schmidt in the University of Miami Race & Social Justice Law Review. The article explores hidden foster care in the U.S. during the COVID era, and offers an approach to balance the inevitable tension that surfaces when child welfare agencies push for “under the table” removals while impoverished families try to stay together.

The Human Impact of Bypassing Foster Care for At-Risk Children: Building a Continuum of Support for Families Diverted

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Alliance for Children's Rights and Lincoln Advocacy report exploring the scope of issues created when child welfare professionals bypass juvenile court for children at risk of entering foster care. The report summarizes information from focus group discussions and a survey of impacted individuals, including diverted families, child welfare workers, kinship service providers, minors’ and parents’ counsel, and social services agency staff across California. The report also incorporates recent research and policy analysis in the form of recommendations to better support children and families.
