

The Face of Kinship Care Documentary

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This film, developed by CWLA and the NYS Kinship Navigator, portrays the compelling and inspiring stories of three kinship families and the love and devotion they show to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In a rare moment of recognition and validation, kinship caregivers see their story represented on screen. The film is a critical tool to help inspire, educate and energize human services agencies, caregivers, and policy makers.

If you are interested in more information on renting the film, please visit the CWLA bookstore.  The rental price is $19.95.

The Family Justice Initiative

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A partnership between Casey Family Programs, the ABA Center on Children and the Law, the Children’s Law Center of CA and the WA Office of Public Defense, has produced a new resource page for the legal field during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource page offers concrete practice tips for how to deliver high-quality legal representation during the ongoing public health crisis.
