

Special Kinship Edition of the American Bar Association's Child Law Practice (CLP)

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This publication contains articles on resources for grandparents raising the children of the opioid epidemic, working with immigrant kinship caregivers and more. CLP is a free online resource with practical articles tied to the ABA Center on Children and the Law's primary areas of work and may be accessed at To sign up for CLP Alerts, send an email to

State Educational and Health Care Consent Laws: ensure that children in grandfamilies can access fundamental services

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Using specific examples and language from the states with educational and health care consent laws, these practical publications are designed to give policymakers and advocates the tools they need to pursue similar legislation or amend their existing state laws (2014). 

State Kinship Care Policies for Children that Come to the Attention of Child Welfare Agencies: Findings from the 2007 Casey Kinship Foster Care Policy Survey

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Summarizes key findings from the most recent survey of states’ kinship care policies. This study looks at the implications of states increasing their use of relatives to care for abused and neglected children to avoid having to take children into custody, from Child Trends (2008).

State of Grandfamilies 2019- A Place to Call Home: Building Affordable Housing for Grandfamilies

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Generations United report about the barriers to affordable housing that grandfamilies face. The report also highlights examples of specialized grandfamilies housing programs across the US with the potential for nationwide expansion, and gives other recommendations to help support grandfamilies .

In addition to reading the full report, you can:

Download the Infographic

Listen to our Podcast Episode on the Report

Check out the Event Recap

Read GU Executive Director Donna Butts’ Article on the Report

