

Resources for Adult Sibling Caregivers

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Children's Bureau & National Youth in Transition Database tip sheet that provides resources for state child welfare agencies and kinship navigator programs, offering guidance on assistance for adult sibling caregivers taking care of their younger siblings either in foster care or informal kinship care. States are encouraged to use this as a foundation to create their own guides for adult sibling caregivers. It includes questions to aid state agencies in exploring each category of support, promoting a tailored approach to addressing the diverse needs of caregivers in states, Tribes, and jurisdictions.

Responsibly Defining Candidacy within the Context of FFPSA: Five Principles to Consider

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The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) brief which highlights the key considerations for states to think about to ensure their definition allows them to serve children and families without creating unintended consequences – including increasing disproportionalities and disparities and negative primary prevention budgetary consequences. 
