

Martinis, Manhattans, and Maltreatment Investigations: When Safety Plans Are a False Choice and What Procedural Protections Parents Are Due

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2019 Iowa Law Review article by Ryan Shellady that examines why due process protections are triggered when child protection investigators offer safety plans and what protections exist for parents subjected to a safety plan across states. The article also encourages legislative change that would require the least restrictive solution available, extend procedural rights to parents subjected to a safety plan, and encourage data collection quantifying annual use of safety plans around the country.

Missouri Extreme Recruitment & 30 Days to Family

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Missouri increased family finding through Extreme Recruitment and 30 Days to Family. Extreme Recruitment is a 12–20-week intensive intervention to identify kin for the hardest to place children by using staff and a private investigator to mine records of the children to identify and locate relatives and kin to be explored for potential placement. Introducing private investigators to the program increased contact with relatives from 23% to 80%. The process involves weekly meetings of the youth’s team and follow-up until the youth achieves permanency. 30 Days to Family in Missouri builds off the success of Extreme Recruitment and focuses on entry into foster care rather than focusing on youth once they are deemed hard to place while in care. This program places equal focus on finding maternal and paternal relatives. The goal is primary placement with kin in addition to locating two-to-three backup kinship placements.
