

Kids, Families and COVID - 19

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The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT policy report explores how children and their families are faring during the pandemic. Using census data the authors explore health care, economic well-being and education, and offer recommendations for policymakers. (2020)

Kin Mobilization Webinar- Asking Youth About Their Kin

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Materials from 6/20/24 webinar hosted by the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network focused on why it's important to ask youth about their kin and how you can support staff in engaging youth in this process. Applicable links:


Webinar recording

Webinar slides

Genogram Sample 1

Genogram Sample 2

Scripts & Questions for Modeled Conversations with Youth about Kin

Broward County’s Guide to Engaging Relative & Non-Relative Caregivers

Link to additional kin-focused tools & resources from the Government Performance Lab

Kin, First and Foremost: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Path Forward for Kinship Care

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Think of Us report that identifies the cultural, experiential, and institutional strengths and challenges of kinship care in select counties in California, Indiana, and New Hampshire through on-the-ground field research with 255 youth, parents, and kin, as well as the 140 agency staff, 93 service providers, and 41 legal professionals that work with them. It also compiles existing kin-first practices through a landscape review and subject-matter expert interviews. 
