

Funding Kinship Services: A Primer on Federal Funding Sources

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The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network produced this resource to offer service providers in public, private, nonprofit, and community-based organizations basic information about federal programs that can be used to finance kinship services and programs. Information includes which federal agency administers the funding source, services the funding source can finance, and basic eligibility information. This funding primer is not intended to be an in-depth explanation of each source but, rather, a high-level overview that can be used to aid further research.

For more detail on specific types of funding, view the pages for:

Annie E. Casey Foundation Family Ties Resources

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Series of resources based on a comprehensive survey of kinship care policies that identifies increasing efforts by states to promote kinship care and support kinship caregivers of children and youth who are known to the child welfare system.

The series includes an Executive Summary, and briefs describing:

New Children and Families Administration Rule: Foster Care Legal Representation Kinship Provisions

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Summary of the final rule on legal representation issued by ACYF on May 9, 2024, and how it could impact legal services for kin caregivers. The rule allows Title IV-E agencies to use federal funds to cover the costs of legal representation, including for kinship caregivers. The rule also expands the types of legal proceedings that are eligible for this funding to include civil legal proceedings that may impact family preservation and placement stability, such as housing or benefit access.

Kinship Care Landscape: What We Know, What We Don 't, and Where to Go From Here

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Think of Us report that reviews and analyzes existing research about kinship care. This review aims to summarize what we know, identify remaining research gaps, and highlight areas where the social services sector, policymakers, and researchers can focus their efforts to best support children, kinship caregivers, and their families.

Kin, First and Foremost: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Path Forward for Kinship Care

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Think of Us report that identifies the cultural, experiential, and institutional strengths and challenges of kinship care in select counties in California, Indiana, and New Hampshire through on-the-ground field research with 255 youth, parents, and kin, as well as the 140 agency staff, 93 service providers, and 41 legal professionals that work with them. It also compiles existing kin-first practices through a landscape review and subject-matter expert interviews. 

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