

Outdated Court Policies Can Leave Children Without a Legal Guardian

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Pew 2023 report incorporating a review of research, state-level policies, and available court data, and interviews with child guardianship scholars, practitioners, advocates, attorneys, and court personnel to analyze minor guardianship practices and make recommendations to court leaders and policymakers to better position courts to help families.

Webinar: Legal Relationships and Public Benefits for Kinship/Grandfamilies

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One of the most fundamental differences between kinship/grandfamilies and parent-headed families is the lack of an automatic legal relationship between the caregiver and child. Without such a relationship, access to services and supports for the child and their kinship/grandfamily can be challenging, if not impossible.

This webinar explores the various legal relationship options and the array of public benefits and tax credits that are available to these families. Presented by the Director of the Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center, Ana Beltran, JD, and Network subject matter expert, Heidi Redlich Epstein, MSW, JD, Director of Kinship Policy and State Projects, American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law.

Benefits of Kinship Placement

Social science support for your in-court and out-of-court legal advocacy: A tool for lawyers

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This toolkit was developed to support child and parent attorneys' advocacy for kinship placements for their clients/client’s children through trial and appellate advocacy, as well as outside of the court setting. This toolkit includes federal and state law and policy resources, and a comprehensive overview of social science articles and research studies on the benefits of kinship care.

Kinship Caregiving Options: Considerations for Caregivers

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This publication developed by ABA Center on Children and the Law, Children’s Defense Fund, and Generations United helps kinship families and the professionals who assist them compare caregiving options. It provides a broad, national overview about the choices and considerations to help caregivers make informed decisions about the pathways to pursue (2022). A webinar of this tool can be viewed here.  



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