How can guardianship be better utilized to promote permanency and well-being? How can guardianship be better utilized to promote permanency and well-being? Thursday, September 7, 2023 0 0 Casey Family Programs strategy brief explaining guardianship, its benefits, challenges, and areas for improvement. Also available in Spanish. Read more
How can kinship navigation services support family resource needs? How can kinship navigation services support family resource needs? Saturday, August 1, 2020 0 0 Casey Family Programs summary of a 2017 research paper that found that kinship navigator programs help families meet their needs and stay together. Read more
How can we ensure a child’s first placement is with a family? How can we ensure a child’s first placement is with a family? Wednesday, August 1, 2018 0 0 Casey Family Programs issue brief describing the importance of placing children with family members, describing strategies for doing so, and giving examples of state efforts to ensure a child's first placement is with kin. Read more
How can we prioritize kin in the home study and licensure process, and make placement with relatives the norm? How can we prioritize kin in the home study and licensure process, and make placement with relatives the norm? Wednesday, July 1, 2020 0 2 Casey Family Programs Information Packet on how to support placement and licensing of kinship homes including jurisdictional examples and tools. July 2020. Read more
How did A Second Chance, Inc. transform kinship care in Allegheny County? How did A Second Chance, Inc. transform kinship care in Allegheny County? Friday, May 1, 2020 0 0 A Casey Family Programs brief examining how a program in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania encouraged kinship placement and supported kinship families. Read more