

Development and Implementation of Tribal Foster Care Standards

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Booklet developed by NICWA to assist with the process through which tribes can develop locally appropriate standards. It is based on the premise that foster care standards are most useful when they are developed by the Indian community in which they will be used and when a broad segment of that community participates in the development and implementation process (2000).

Directory of Family-Based Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs for Parents with Children

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National directory of Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs for Parents with Children created by Volunteers of America and Wilder Research, with the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This tool will help public and private child welfare agencies, substance use providers, physicians, churches, courts, schools, and communities find programs for families in need of treatment near them.

Education and COVID-19

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The Legal Center for Foster Care and Education has created several resources to assist local jurisdications with education for youth in foster care during the COIVD-19 pandemic.
